Redemption! Geulah!
The wondrous sequence of events of the splitting of the Red Sea, the miracle of Chanukah, the Holy Temple (Bais Hamikdash) and more are blended in this painting. These scenes remind us of the restoration of the miraculous aspects of Jewish life that will come to fruition with the coming of Moshiach. Acrylic, silver leaf, Mixed media, stones, resin on canvas
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size | 24×48 |
1 in stock
About This Painting
From the Yam Suf to the Menorah, this Nechama Fine Art original painting features many important symbols of the Judaism in blue and white. This elegant painting depicts doves, the Holy Temple – Bais Hamikdash, and the Kotel. This painting inspires the hope that Moshiach, and the redemption, will come very soon.
During Pesach, the Jewish people celebrate their redemption from the Egyptians at the Yam Suf, the Red Sea. G-d’s people have been exiled, but the Jews believe that they will one day be redeemed as they were from their slavery in Egypt. This redemption will be marked by the coming of Moshiach, when G-dliness will be universal, and the deepest mysteries of the Torah and the Zohar – Kabbalah will be uncovered. This painting evokes the core teaching of the Torah, that through observing the Torah and the Mitzvos (commandments, we can hasten the arrival of Moshiach.