The Beauty Of Abstract Jewish Art
Abstract art can add interest to spaces that feel too stuffy and give guests something to talk about when they visit your home. Using intuition and emotional guidance, Nechama Fine Art creates abstract artwork that offering a unique interpretation of people, places, and events in Jewish history.
One of Nechama Fine Art’s best abstract Judaica paintings is Yerushalayim in Blue and Gold. While some concrete outlines of the city’s buildings can be made out, the painting is mostly comprised of splotches of gold, purple, and deep blue that echo Jerusalem’s majestic energy.
Interpreting Abstract Jewish Art
While some abstract art can be difficult to interpret, you will find abstract Jewish artwork to be more meaningful if you know the story behind the painting. Understanding the significance of the Kotel or the history of the Holy Temple can make it easier to appreciate the way the colors, lines, and shapes tell the story.
While realistic art has its place, abstract art really speaks to the symbolism seen in the Torah and the mystical nature of Jerusalem. Interpreting the Torah requires you to read between the lines to determine its meaning, as does abstract art.