What is So Special About Original Paintings by Nechama Fine Art?

January 20, 2021
Abstract Yerushalayim in Gold/Black
The original paintings by Nechama Fine Art are elegant, vibrant, and exquisitely detailed.
Many of my paintings feature Judaic symbols, Jewish people, and events from the Torah. The interpretation the subjects in Nechama Fine Art’s paintings is what makes their Jewish fine artwork stand out from the work of other Jewish artists.

The Creation Process for Original Paintings by Nechama Fine Art

When Nechama Fine Art decides to paint an object, event, or person, we pay attention to the physical traits of the subject and the energy it gives off. The artist’s job is to portray the emotion that matches the subject of the painting by adjusting the visual appearance accordingly.

For example, in Blue and Gold Kotel, Nechama Fine Art conveys feelings of wonder, mysticism, and majesty. The positioned of the Kotel captures its immense size, likening it to the powerful, overwhelming protection of God. The colors used in Blue and Gold Kotel are representative of divinity and the glory of God.

More Than Simple Decoration

Nechama Fine Art’s original paintings are unique because they are elegant, moving, and culturally significant. When you own an original paintings by Nechama Fine Art, you own more than just a decorative painting.

Nechama Fine Art’s Israeli paintings are pieces of Jewish culture that express the suffering and the victories experienced by the Jewish nation.

In all of Nechama Fine Art’s original paintings strive to create scenes that make you feel like you are really there. Those who view the artwork feel like they are actually standing in front of the Kotel or watching God give the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Nechama Fine Art’s paintings are special because they allow you to place yourself in the stories that make up Jewish history. The holiday paintings allow you to experience the joyous and reflective nature of holidays like Hanukah, Rosh Hashanah, and Sukkot.

Anyone from any cultural background can enjoy Jewish artwork and original paintings by Nechama Fine Art for the beauty it brings to their space.


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